Space Domain Cyber Security

Space Domain Cyber Security examines the practical issues of developing and sustaining a secure cyber environment through all phases of the space mission lifecycle. The course is organised around the Space Domain Cyber Security (SpaDoCs) Framework.
The SpaDoCs Framework provides a comprehensive and systematic model for understanding and tackling all critical issues of cyber security in the space domain. An examination of the Key Objectives—confidentiality, integrity, availability—provides the foundation for the course. From there, the space domain is examined layer by layer starting from the enterprise layer, then drilling down through mission, system and DevSecOps layers. Threats and vulnerabilities at each layer are highlighted. Finally, first principles of cyber security are discussed (domain separation, process isolation, and others) as well as key enablers (such as vision and strategy) to help frame plans for action to address the cyber security issues exposed by this course. Course exercises centre around practical application of the material to real-world space mission scenarios.


Course Topics:
  • Course Intro
    • Course Objectives
    • Framework Overview
  • Cyber security Fundamentals
    • Space Domain Layers
    • Enterprise Layer
    • Mission Layer
    • System Layer
    • DevOps Layer
  • Threats and Vulnerabilities
    • First Principles of cyber security applied in the space domain
    • Enablers of security and mission success in space enterprises
Price available on request